Thursday 5 June 2014


“Your generation didn’t invent sex,” parents have been reminding teenagers and young adults for generations.
Likewise, today's generation of midlife women isn’t the first one to pass through menopause and discover its effects on sexuality. And that’s something we can all be grateful for, since our understanding of how menopause and aging affect sexual health has grown a lot in recent years.
This online resource is designed to share that understanding with women (and their partners) who want to get a handle on what menopause might mean for their sex lives. Although most women experience some changes in sexual function as they age, menopause and aging certainly do not signal the end of a woman’s sex life.
photo1This resource is divided into topical sections easily accessible through the links in the column on the left. We start by reviewing midlife changes related to menopause and aging. We then discuss common sexual problems at midlife and explore their typical causes. Next comes the really good information: a large section devoted to the many safe and effective treatments and interventions available for addressing sexual problems. We conclude with a directory of resources for more information and responses to frequently asked questions.
As you review the information here, keep in mind that the effect of menopause and aging on sexual health can vary widely from one woman to another. Regardless of how much this content reflects your own experience, we hope you’ll discuss your sexual health and satisfaction with your partner and with your healthcare provider. Sex and menopause are totally appropriate subjects for discussion in the healthcare setting, and solutions to midlife sexual problems are out there for the taking.

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